Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps

Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps, How it helps in kundlii awakening, problems for beginners. 

Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps: A very powerful and magical yoga practice is Shaktichalini process. This is very helpful in awakening the dormant powers within body. It is beneficial for spiritual seekers as well as for people who want healthy body and mind. This is one of the best yoga practice which makes the Area of mooladhar chakra strong and help to awaken Kundlini shakti. 

Every man, women and children has a divine power within body but are unaware of it. By performing special yoga practice, It is possible to activate the divine energies present in our body. We purify the body through yoga activities, make the body strong so that we can awaken the Kundalini Shakti and also handle its power.

Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps
When the Kundalini wakes up, it starts its journey towards the upper chakras i.e. from Muladhar to Swadhishthan, then Manipur Chakra, then Anhad Chakra, then Vishuddha Chakra, then Agya Chakra and then Sahastradhar Chakra.
Our daily activities are such that our energy keeps getting depleted and by practicing yoga, we increase our energy and also make it upward.
Many times I have heard from Yoga practitioner that my Kundalini was awakened, I had very good experiences for some time, but later everything stopped. Some people say that after awakening the Kundalini they experienced so many horrible things that they stopped their spiritual practices.
All this happens because we do not prepare our body completely. Keep in mind that Kundalini is a superpower and before awakening it, we should do a lot of preparation so that the journey of Kundalini Shakti goes smoothly and we can also digest the experiences.

Before starting the practice of awakening the Kundalini, we should keep a few things in mind:

  • The area where Kundalini resides should be strengthened.
  • If you have a habit of any kind of intoxication, then you should leave it.
  • One should eat well.
  • Pranayama, Bandha and some mudras should be learned and practiced regularly.
  • The more pure and healthy the body and mind are, the more smoothly the journey of Kundalini Shakti will take place.
Today in this article we will learn about Shaktichalani Mudra/शक्तिचालिनी मुद्रा which strengthens the field of Bhagwati Kundalini and also helps in awakening Kundalini.

What is Shaktichalani Mudra / Ashwini Mudra?

This is a powerful action that helps in making the Kundalini upward. It is also known as Ashwini Mudra.
In Shakti chalini Mudra we contract the anus and urinary system and then release it. When this action is done repeatedly, it strengthens the field of Bhagwati and also helps the seeker in awakening the Kundalini.
Another biggest advantage of Shakti Chalini Mudra is that with this our anus and urinary system which only excretes the goods, now starts turning introverted.
Not only this, the power of the genitals of the person who performs Shakti Chalini Mudra also increases in a tremendous way, which he could not have imagined.
While doing Shakti chalini mudra, the seeker also learns to put MOOL-BANDH, which helps in awakening the Kundalini Shakti, we will know more about this in the next articles.
The practice of Shakti Chalani Mudra is considered correct when the seeker comfortably starts compressing and immersing his anus and urinary system.
While doing Shakti chalini kriya, when MOOL BANDH is applied, then Apana Vayu starts rising upwards. This yoga is very important for the SPIRITUAL SEEKERS. As the practice increases, you will start seeing miraculous changes in your body.

Let us know what problems can arise in the beginning in Shakti Chalini Mudra.

When it is practiced in the beginning, some people have pain in the stomach, this happens because the action is not done in the right way, so you should do this action very slowly with understanding.
Some people will feel pulling of muscles but there is no need to panic.

Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps: How to practice Shaktichalini Mudra?:

  1. First of all, sit in a comfortable posture in any quiet place in Sukhasan or Padmasan.
  2. Now take a few deep breaths and release and concentrate your mind.
  3. Now bring full attention to your anus.
  4. Now slowly pull the anus inside with your willpower, when you do this, the urinary system will also automatically pull it.
  5. Leave it now.
  6. In this way, slowly contract and release the anus, keep doing this continuously.
  7. This is Shaktikalini process or ashwini mudra.

Read About Sacral Chakra Benefits

Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps: Let us know what are the benefits of Shakti Chalini Mudra?

It is known from its name that this mudra helps in awakening kundlini Shakti. The power that lies dormant within us, in the ROOT CHAKRA. This process activate the Shakti and make it moving upward. 
According to Shiv Samhita –
One who practices Shakti Chalani Mudra daily destroys diseases and increases his life span.
  • When you repeatedly compress and release your anus with your willpower, then your willpower also starts to strengthen.
  • Along with physical strength, mental strength starts increasing.
  • Those whose urinary system and anus are weak, they start getting a lot of benefits.
  • This strengthens the digestive system.
  • This Ashwini mudra is very beneficial for those who have constipation.
  • Ashwini Mudra is very beneficial for Piles patients.
  • This strengthens the muscles of the genitals, the benefits of which will be seen everywhere.
  • This action is also very beneficial for those who are victims of depression and stress.
So if you want to do Kundalini Sadhana or if you want to keep your body healthy then practice Shaktichalini Mudra/Ashwini Mudra daily.
Welcome to the world of spiritual World . Awaken your dormant powers, recognize who we are and what we are.
Practice Shakti Chalini Mudra and see what a change happens in your life.
Shaktichalini Mudra Benefits and Steps, How it helps in kundlii awakening, problems for beginners, what is shaktichalini process.

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