Zodiac Signs Predictions

How many zodiac signs are there in astrology, Strength and weaknesses of 12 zodiac signs, Characteristics of different people as per astrology, characters of zodiac signs. 

In vedic astrology people characteristics are divided as per zodiacs,  in hindi we call it rashi. There are 12 types of zodiac signs and they are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Every rashi has unique power and weaknesses. 

An experienced astrologer able to know about characteristics of people by knowing the zodiac sign. 

Zodiac Signs Predictions

जानिए हिंदी में राशि के अनुसार लोगो का व्यक्तित्त्व 

How to find zodiac sign of a person as per vedic astrology?

In Birth chart, do check the position of moon, The number which is present with moon is the zodiac sign of a person. For example if moon is present with number 5 in horoscope then the zodiac sign is LEO, if moon is present with number 7 then the zodiac sign is LIBRA and so on. 

By knowing the moon sign of any person it is possible predict the nature and characteristics of any person which helps in dealing and self improvement. By knowing about our own powers and weaknesses it is possible to work on weaknesses to bring more success in life soon. 

Know Your Zodiac Sign Here

Characteristics of 12 zodiac Signs:


This is the first sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet Mars and so has tremendous power if the mars is powerful in birth chart. As per vedic astrology it comes under instable zodiacs. 

Aries people have good power to become a successful leader. 

They have good self confidence which is take them to the height of success. 

They have good debate power. 

Aries people are able to use both physical and mental power to fulfill their wishes. 

If mars is powerful in horoscope then it is not possible to dominate aries people. 

Sometimes overpower make  them egoistic. 

As a lover they are trustworthy and expect same from partner. 

Because of power of mars they get violent suddenly and also cool down suddenly. 

Aries people are ambitious 

They are stubborn in doing their things in their own way. 

As a friend they are very good and as an enemy they are very dangerous. 

They are courageous to face the challenges of life. 

They know the ways to attract the attention of others. 

Aries people have the power to practice more and more to make them better and better gradually. 

They enjoy accepting new challenges in life. 

Aries people are fond of dynamic life i.e. changing life. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of aries people in astrology.


Taurus sign people are controlled by planet VENUS and as per vedic astrology comes under stable sign and are very committed about their goal. They are kind hearted and are a good mentor. 

This is the second sign in zodiac belt and it’s symbol is bull. There are mind are stable and they take decisions carefully. These people are honest and also try to move safely in life. Due to having great patience sometimes they lose opportunities. By their hard working they achieve their goal. 

Taurus people move ahead in life by their own decisions. Sometimes they are bad for people because they impose decisions on others. 

When Taurus people are calm then very good but in case anger they are very dangerous and never hesitate to destroy their enemy. 

In love life Taurus people like to enter in long term relationship. These people like to live in happy family life. They give proper time to their friends, family and relatives.

Taurus people don’t like to go beyond their comfort zone. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Taurus people in astrology


Gemini sign is the third sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet MERCURY. As per vedic astrology, this sign comes under dual nature signs. 

Their decisions are very dynamic i.e. they change their decisions as per circumstances. Opportunist is the correct word for Gemini people which is very good to get success in this materialistic world. 

The power point of Gemini is that they are able to look both the face of any incident. Mood swings are generally seen in their nature. These people are very good entertainer and so people like their company. Gemini people are good in marketing too. 

In love life sometimes they face problems due to their jolly nature.  They try everything to make their partner happy. These people want to enjoy every moment of this life. 

Gemini people are enough intelligent to learn anything and also know the way of smart working.

Read about LOVE LIFE of Gemini people in astrology


Cancer zodiac sign is the 4th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by MOON. It comes under the instable sign. 

This people are very emotional and try to live a peaceful life honestly. 

In love life they are in search of honest partner who can take care of their emotions. 

Cancer zodiac people are very caring too and expect same from friends, relatives, life partner. Sometimes they enter in depression due to not getting the proper return from others. 

Cancer sign people are very sensitive and so enter in happiness and sadness as per environment. 

If moon planet is powerful in birth chart then no doubt cancer people are very successful in love life and in materialistic world. Cancer sign people are kind hearted and social too and so they are very good in social work. 

Males are cancer signs are good husband, good father, good friends and females of cancer signs are supportive wives, good sister, loving daughter, honest friends. 

When these people trust anyone then blindly faith and when these people hate someone then leave them from heart for ever. It is never good for anyone to hurt them emotionally. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Cancer people in astrology


Leo sign is the 5th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet SUN. As per vedic astrology this sign comes under stable sign. 

These people are leader, ambitious and courageous. Leo signs people want to achieve grand success in life and always want to be in top in whatever field they are. 

When sun is powerful in birth chart then these people become egoistic but don’t hesitate to help others. These are self-motivated persons and live life as per their own thoughts and experiences. 

They try to make special place in society, in office in business place etc. It is not possible to dominate them easily. Leo people don’t hesitate to take risk to achieve their goal. 

Leo people try to look unique and so they make their choices different from others. 

These people like to make high class circle which make them feel better. 

In love life leo sign people get success when then control their aggressiveness and ego. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Leo people in astrology


The sixth sign in zodiac belt is virgo which is controlled by mercury and as per vedic astrology this sign comes under category of dual nature signs. 

These people are intelligent and disciplined. They know the tricks to get work done from others. 

These people are very good researchers and easily enter in deep of any subject. 

Virgo people like to live a comfortable life and so they work hard to gather all luxuries in life. They like to work smartly and so there success is fast in comparison to others. Virgo people like the companies of wise people. These people have good dressing sense and good sense of humor. 

They are wise in maintaining finance but they spend a lot in maintaining standard in society.

Virgo people don’t easily mix up with people but when they get familiar then they become talkative. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Virgo people in astrology


This is the 7th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet VENUS. As per vedic astrology libra sign comes under instable signs. 

These people like to balance their life and for this they do everything. 

Libra people are very charming, attractive and social. If venus planet is powerful in birth chart then no doubt these people are able to live a healthy and wealthy life with good network.

If venus is malefic in birth chart or weak then libra people may enter in wrong company in search of pleasure and success and make their life hell.  

Surroundings easily influence libra people and so we can easily find changes in their life style as per their surroundings. 

If libra people stay with positive minded people then no doubt they are able to achieve grand success in life. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Libra people in astrology


This is the 8th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet MARS. As per vedic astrology scorpio sign comes under stable signs. 

Scorpio people are very ambitious but don’t open up with people easily. 

These people are somehow mysterious in nature and so it is not possible to predict their next move. 

Scorpio people are highly intelligent but not able to use their full potential because of their own thoughts. They move in life with their own views and thoughts. 

If the mars is malefic in horoscope or weak then scorpions may become greedy, violent, aggressive, so it is necessary to always stay with good people to achieve success positively in life. 

They are good in strategy making because of their sharp mind and ability to enter in depth of any subject. They are good in debate. They are also dominating if getting power of master planet. 

Scorpio signs people also have good intuition power which help them to take good decisions in life. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Scorpio people in astrology


This is the 9th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet JUPITER. As per vedic astrology Sagittarius sign comes under dual nature signs. 

These people try to be mentally and physically fit and so they do activities as per. Sagittarius people want to live in cool atmosphere, peaceful environment. These people don’t want to live in boundation, stress-free environment make them happy. 

They are kind hearted and ready to help needy people. With good people Sagittarius are very good and with bad they are very harmful. 

If Jupiter is good in horoscope then no doubt Sagittarius people will become ideal of others in society because of their achievement, good behavior and advices.  

But incase Jupiter is weak and malefic then these people become egoistic, want to fulfill wishes at any cost, become selfish etc. In this case always stay with good people and positive minded people. 

In love life there over care sometimes become problematic for partner. 

These people are good friend, good life partner, good parents, honest worker, good consultant.

 Read about LOVE LIFE of Sagittarius people in astrology


This is the 10th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet SATURN. As per vedic astrology capricorn sign comes under instable signs. 

These people are hard worker, good social worker.  Capricorn people are very honest and work passionately for overall growth. They try to do the best in whatever sector they are. These type people are good in justice and due to this they generate enemies in surrounding. 

Some Capricorn people live ascetic life because of their independent nature. They don’t like interference of others. These people know that they are honest and able to do the best. 

If Capricorn people enter in spiritual field then able to enter in deep soon. 

Making change in life is a part of their life which sometimes becomes problems for others. 

They have too many desires for life which make them uncomfortable sometimes. 

In love life they are romantic but not publicly, they have the ability to satisfy their partner in every aspect. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Capricorn people in astrology.


This is the 11th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet SATURN. As per vedic astrology aquarius sign comes under stable signs. 

These people know the tricks to manage the friends, relatives and colleagues. They make their surroundings as per there need. 

No one can judge that what Aquarius people are thinking for next move. 

They don’t want much changes in life but always ready to gain knowledge and this character make them knowledgeable.  Because of their learning nature they are versatile. 

Aquarius people are very helpful for their friends because of their knowledge and experiences. 

Research and experiments are a part of their life to know the truth. 

Aquarius people are good parents, good teachers, good in research works. 

They seem to be assimilate with everyone but in actual they follow their own rules and thoughts. 

Read about LOVE LIFE of Aquarius people in astrology.


This is the 12th sign in zodiac belt and is controlled by planet jupiter. As per vedic astrology pisces sign comes under stable dual nature signs. 

These people are generous and fair decision making. But their own life entangled in the world of reality and dreams.

Pisces people have good intuition power and also very sensitive. They are able to predict the mind of people who are coming to them. 

In making relationship they are very good and honest. Pisces people understand their partner emotionally and physically and so they become good friend and life partner. 

These people are highly intelligent and so it is not possible to dominate them easily. 

Pisces people have good imagination power which also make them a good artist. 

They are kind heated and love to help others. If these people enter in spiritual field then attain culmination soon. They are good teacher and good motivator.

Read about LOVE LIFE of Pisces people in astrology

Get astrology reading of your horoscope from astrologer, know about your love life, career, marriage life, best gems stones, solutions of health issues etc. 

How many zodiac signs are there in astrology, Strength and weaknesses of 12 zodiac signs, Characteristics of different people as per astrology, characters of zodiac signs. 

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