Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage, Remedies of Unmatched Horoscope, Remedies of Unmatched Birth chart, Why there is need of remedies of unmatched kundli or horoscope?, Process To Get Remedies of Unmatched Relationships, Astrologer for relationships problems.

This is a very important question about life specially for those who are in love, who want inter-caste marriage or who don’t want to leave his or her partner in any case.

It has also often been seen that just by matching horoscope on the computer, people reject or accept proposal, which is not at all good. Many good relationships don’t happen because of incomplete knowledge.  And in many cases, it has also been seen that even after getting good match-matching point, some couples are not satisfied. so only matching the horoscope is not enough, a deep study of the individual horoscope is also necessary. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage.

Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriageSolution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Why There is a Need of Remedies For Unmatched Kundli or Horoscope?

In whole of the world there is not 1, 2 or 3 but there are lakhs of cases in which match-making has not done properly and marriage done. Because of this couples are facing many types of problems in life like as-

  1. Disharmony in marriage relations.
  2. Disharmony in physical relationship.
  3. Progeny problems even after having all the capabilities.
  4. Improper growth in career.
  5. Unhealthy atmosphere at home.
  6. Business loss.
  7. Unhealthy sexual relations etc.

So I think that these reasons are enough to show why remedies of unmatched kundli is necessary.

  • We can live life with the person whom we love with full of love by adopting some remedies as per birth chart.
  • Couples can  live a successful life with each other by performing rituals time to time as per horoscope. 
  • Couples can live satisfactory life by adopting remedies of unmatched kundli. 
  • Husband and wife can life a life with fun by using proper prayers, gems stone, etc. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

हिंदी में पढ़िए कुंडली मिलन से सम्बंधित महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर 

If you really want all these thing and you don’t want to suffer a lot in life then it is good to go for remedial actions right now.

  • Don’t worry if you have unmatched relation.
  • Don’t worry if you have not matched your kundli or horoscope before making any relation.
  • Don’t worry if you have not matched your kundli or horoscope before marriage.
  • Don’t worry if you are in unmatched live-in relation. 

Just consult and make your Present and Future Bright. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

successful marriage without horoscope match, kundali matching by name importance, love marriage kundli not matching, how to match two kundli for marriage, if gun milan is less than 18

Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Some important questions and answers related to kundli match making:

Is there any remedy if Kundli does not match?

A very important question arises in case of love marriage and inter-caste marriage, many times, situation arise that partner is very good in all respect but kundli does not match, in this case people generally ask that “is there any remedy of unmatched kundli?”. So here I want to say that yes there are many remedies which can be used but before using them it is necessary to  do minute analysis of horoscope of both girl and boy. An experienced astrologer can guide better to marry a person of choice. Poojas, donations, gems stones and totkay are used to minimize the problem of unmatched kundli. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Can we marry if Kundli does not match?

Yes there are many couples who are living successfully because sometimes many factors are present in divisional charts which help in living life together. An experienced astrologer deeply analyze the different types of chart and then suggest to live a successful life.

What to do if Gunas are less than 18? :Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

As per match making astrology it is necessary to have minimum 18 Gun for marriage. If gunas are less than 18 then couple may not live a happy life, there may be difference in thinking, compromise level, health issues may disturb life etc. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

  • In match making 18 guna is needed at least for marriage. 18 to 25 matchmaking point is said to be good.
  • 26 to 32 points in match making is said to be best.

Does Kundli really matter in marriage?

yes kundli is very helpful in doing marriage because vedic astrology is based on science of stars, planets, nakshatra. Horoscope represent our life and so by reading the horoscope of male and female, astrologer comes to know about the future of both after marriage. It has been proved that unmatched horoscope couple faces too many problems in life. So it is good to go for kundli matching before marriage. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Read about reality of match making.

Can a non Manglik marry Manglik?

Yes, it is possible that manglik marry a non manglik but for that the power of mangal is checked, state of mars is checked properly and some remedies are given to couple to dominate the ill effects of malefic planets.

What if Nadi score is 0?

Nadi dosha arise in kundli match making if nadi score is 0. In this case it is very possible that couple may not live a healthy life after marriage and if planets are not very powerful then chronic problems may also arise in life related to health and relations, that’s why nadi is a very important factor in kundli match making. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Is Kundli matching important in love marriage?

Yes kundli matching is important in love marriage case too, because an experienced astrologer detect the possible problems just by reading horoscope of both boy and girl. So if kundli is analysed before love marriage then it is possible to take suitable remedies to avoid any major issues in life.

Is kundali matching always correct?

Yes, if correct birth date, birth time and birth place is given then no doubt, kundali matching analysis will be done properly.

Can we still marry if Kundli does not match?

This is a very important questions but there are some conditions in which couple can live a healthy life if kundli doesn’t match but for this it is necessary to analyze the horoscope of both boy and girl minutely. After analysis of horoscope, some remedies are given to couple to minimize the impacts of bad planets in life. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

what happens if horoscope does not match?

If horoscope doesn’t match then many things are possible like as misunderstanding will go on life long or one of the partner may face health issues or financial problems may arise. Couples may face problem in having healthy baby etc.
Vedic astrology is very rich where there is a solution of every problem. So just take a step to make your life better. Just move ahead to boom your life.
Take the benefit of this great research, contact now and live a successful life.
Yes it is possible to make unmatched life better with astrology.
It is possible to make our life fruitful by using proper remedies of unmatched relationships. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Process To Get Remedies of Unmatched Relationships:

  1. You have to send the details of both the persons in the format given in the following Link. Go Here Now For Bright Future…….
  2. After getting the details detail analysis will be done.
  3. After this proper remedies will be send via email.

So don’t worry if you are having problem in life due to unmatched relations. Contact ASTROLOGER to get the remedies of unmatched kundli or horoscope.
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At the time of marriage with a person whom you love, many difficulties arise if horoscope doesn’t match, here it is necessary to check every aspect of birth chart minutely so that life may not get disturbed in future due to malefic planets.

Astrologer(Om Prakash Bhatnagar)is one of the Famous love Astrologer of India, who provide the remedies of ‘unmatched kundli’ by analysing birth chart minutely. Get the best pooja, lucky gems stone to make love marriage or married life wonderful. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

If you are married and not satisfied due to unmatched horoscope then don’t worry, first of all do show your kundli and then get the simple and easiest remedies of your personal life problems.

No need to sit in sad mood if your love life is not thriving, if your marriage life is not happy, get the best gems stone, best totkay and best spells to make your life wonderful. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

If you don’t have horoscope then you can also consult by giving your names, here numerology and other astrology methods are used to check the compatibility and then proper astrology solutions are given by ‘best astrologer’.

Astrologer is available World wide via email WhatsApp and phone. Get the right way from One of the best astrologer Om Prakash by showing your birth chart/kundli/horoscope or your palm.

World famous ASTROLOGER (Om Prakash Bhatnagar) is a trusted name in vedic astrology. He also suggest best yantra to attract prosperity and happiness in family. Get your marriage reading in horoscope now.

His years of experience in providing astrology consultancy services makes him best On line consultant. One of the famous ASTROLOGER in India is available to guide people every-time when needed. Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage

Make your married life happy with matchmaking and also get the solutions of unmatched kundli from ASTROLOGER Om Prakash who is a redy to help every couple. Astrologer has profound and deep knowledge of Vedic astrology, planetary positions, and impact of planets on human body and have effective solution of Kal Sarp, Manglik dosh, Pitra dosh, Shani dosh, black magic, Weak planetary powers, grahan yoga, chronic diseases etc.

  • Get solutions of Mangal dosha in matchmaking.
  • Get the remedies of divorce yoga in horoscope.
  • Know about, how to minimise the impact of malefic planets.

A dedicated world famous ASTROLOGER Om Prakash for matchmaking with birth details or by only name and by numerology.

Make your left life better with guidance of ASTROLOGER Om Prakash. He is blessed with the skill of logical analysis of kundli which can assist you to solve your love problems, family problems, marriage problems, business problems, career problems, black magic etc.

Don’t suffer due to unmatched kundli or unmatched horoscope while marrying to a favorite person.

Contact Astrologer For in-depth Match Making Service

Solution of Unmatched Kundli for marriage, Remedies of Unmatched Horoscope, Remedies of Unmatched Birth chart, Why there is need of remedies of unmatched kundli or horoscope?, Process To Get Remedies of Unmatched Relationships, Astrologer for relationships problems.

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