Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces, when will Sun transit in march 2024, impact on 12 zodiacs people as per vedic astrology, सूर्य के मीन राशि में गोचर का फल| 

Sun stays for 1 month in any zodiac sign and the transit of Sun is called Sankranti. On March 14, 2024,  at approx 6:13 AM the Sun will leave its enemy sign Aquarius and will enter in Pisces which is the friendly sign of sun.

According to Vedic astrology, the Sun is related to the father, soul, name, fame, travel, work, etc. Therefore, with the transit of Sun in Pisces there will great changes in the life of 12 zodiac signs people.  Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

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Predictions of sun transit in Pisces
Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

हिंदी में पढ़िए सूर्य का मीन राशि में गोचर का क्या असर होगा 12 राशियों पर 

Let us know the religious significance of Meen Sankranti:

Whenever Sun enters the Jupiter zodiac, Khar month or Mal mas starts, which is considered to be very good for worship and charity, hence the religious significance of Pisces Sankranti is also great. Now the whole month will be very good to perform spiritual practice.

Let us know what will be the effect in the life of the 12 zodiacs people when the Sun enter in the Pisces sign:

ARIES Predictions :

Sun will enter the twelfth house from Aries, due to which if you are thinking about traveling for a long time, then it will happen, you can make a big investment, you will have new powers and will make new policies to expand your work. Stopped work will be completed, You may take special decisions related to children.

Aries people can also see a lot of positive changes in the love life, if you are looking for a lover, then in the next one month you can get a special partner, if you love someone, then you can tell your feelings.  

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

TAURUS Predictions:

The transit of Sun from Taurus will be in the eleventh house, due to which your sources of income will open, stopped work will be completed, stopped money will be received.

The contacts will also increase greatly due to which you will be able to grow your business at best level.

If you have been thinking about buying land or vehicles for a long time, then you will take step in this month.

You will also spend in increasing the means of comfort in the home.

Misconceptions can increase due to arrogance with children and lovers, so be careful.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

GEMINI Predictions:

The transit of the Sun in  Gemini sign will be in the tenth house, due to which there will be a lot of increase in your work, you can get name and fame due to your performance.

If Gemini people are in job, then get ready for new responsibilities, people who are in business will do special efforts to increase their business and will also get success.

The benefits of land and vehicle will also be good,. With the blessings of the mother, many tasks will be competed.

With the help of siblings, the chances of completing your stalled are good. You can also take small trips due to work.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

CANCER Predictions:

From the Cancer zodiac, the Sun will enter the ninth house, due to which you will get support of luck, you can be more busy in the work of religion, by using your speech you can get special name and fame.

The path of wealth will open and the work which has been stopped for a long time can be completed. If you do any meditation practice , then you can have a special experience, so you should do spiritual practice with full enthusiasm.

With the help of the father, the completion of your stalled work is possible, the sum of getting ancestral property is good in this month. Relations with high officials will be formed and if you are stuck in any legal work, then now you can get relief.

Together with your siblings, you can do something new.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

LEO Predictions: Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

The Sun’s transit from Leo sign will be in the eighth house, due to which if you are associated with any research work, then you can get special success, if you have been suffering from any disease for a long time, now you will get relief.

Ego, problems may increase with life partner.

Self-confidence will increase a lot, you can spend more money in research work.

You have to be careful in eating food, otherwise you may have stomach related problems.

VIRGO Predictions:

Sun will enter the seventh house from Virgo, due to which people who work in partnership have to take special care because misconceptions can arise due to increase in ego.

Your contact areas will also increase, due to which new work routes will also be opened. Travel may also have to be done in connection with work and new investments are also made.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

LIBRA Predictions:

The transit of Sun from Libra sign will be in the sixth house due to which enemies will be defeated, the chances of getting stopped money is good, your desires will also increase a lot, due to which you will work harder than before.

If you are facing any legal issues then you will have the chance of getting relief.

Love relations will improve, people who are looking for a lover can find a partner, you can spend romantic time with your lover.

SCORPIO Predictions:

The transit of Sun from Scorpio will be in the fifth house due to which the students will get special benefit. You will be able to learn something new, you will be able to use your knowledge properly.

If you work in the stock market, commodity market then you can make huge profit by your policies.

There may be a conflicts with the children, which can upset the mind.

Stress can increase in love life too, so take care.

You can be busy making new policies to expand your business and work.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

SAGITTARIUS Predictions:

The transit of the sun from Sagittarius will be in the fourth house due to which it can reduce the pleasures of the home, but there is good chance to have  vehicle and land .

In this month you will be very busy in your work, which will reduce family happiness.

You can also be busy in religious and social service work.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

CAPRICORN Predictions:

The transit of the Sun from Capricorn will be in the third house, due to which the power will increase a lot, together with siblings, there is the possibility of doing some new work or with their cooperation, the stopped work will be completed.

You may have to travel for work.

You can spend more money in research, if someone does spiritual practice, then you can have new experiences in that too. You will be able to accept new challenges to progress in life.

AQUARIUS Predictions:

The transit of the Sun will be in the second house from the Aquarius sign, due to which you will have to take special care in talking to someone , otherwise you face conflicts.

You may have to be anxious about the health of the life partner, so take care. You can also spend unnecessary with friends.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces

PISCES Predictions:

Sun is entering in Pisces and will stay for the next one month, so you will try to take more responsibility with your strength, which can cause problems for you.

But your creativity will increase; you will be able to do a better job than before.

Your ego and anger will also increase, which if you don’t control then you may face problems.

So we have seen that on March 15, when the Sun enters the Pisces zodiac, what changes can be seen in the lives of the 12 zodiacs people? Hopefully you will be able to live your life better by using the opportunities that are coming.

If you want to show your horoscope then you can contact ASTROLOGER.

  • Know about the good and bad planets present in your horoscope.
  • Know about lucky gems for yourself, right worship.
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  • How to make life better by using astrology.

Predictions of sun transit in Pisces,when will Sun transit in march 2024, impact on 12 zodiacs people as per vedic astrology, सूर्य के मीन राशि में गोचर का फल|/b>

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