Ganesh Bhujangam Lyrics with Meaning

Ganesh Bhujangam Lyrics with Meaning, sacred chants of shree ganpati, Ganesh Bhujangam for the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

Sri Ganesh Bhujangam is written by Sri Adi Shankaracharya and by chanting Sri Ganesh Bhujangam, sorrow, poverty, debt can be removed from life forever.

The song Ganesh Bhujangam has been composed in a unique way explaining Ganesha in his dance form. Worshiping DancingGanesha/Nritya Ganapati is considered very auspicious and is considered a great way to meditate on the Lord.

Talking about the meaning of Ganesh Bhujang Stotram, most of the verses explain the presence of God while dancing and the divine nature of Lord Ganesha.

हिंदी में पढ़िए गणेश भुजंगम के बारे में 

Ganesh Bhujangam Lyrics with Meaning

Ganesh Bhujangam Sanksrit lyrics:

|| श्रीगणेशभुजङगम् ||


चलत्ताण्डवोद्दण्डवत्पद्मतालम् |


गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||१||


स्फुरच्छुण्डदण्डोल्लसद्वीजपूरम |


गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||२||


प्रवालप्रभातारूणज्योतिरेकम् |

प्रलम्बोदरं वक्रतुण्डैकदन्तं

गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||३||


किरीटोल्लसच्चन्द्ररेखाविभूषम् |

विभूषैकभूषं भवध्वंसहेतुं

गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||४||


च्चलध्भ्रूलताविभ्रमभ्राजदक्षम् |

मरुत्सुन्दरीचामरै: सेव्यमानं

गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||५||


कृपाकोमलोद्धारलीलावतारम् |

कलाबिन्दुगं गीयते योगिवर्ये-

र्गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ||६||

यमेकाक्षरं निर्मलं निर्विकल्पं

गुणातीतमानन्दमाकारशून्यम् |

परं पारमोंकारमाम्नायगर्भम्

वदन्ति प्रगल्भं पुराणं तमीडे ||७||

चिदानन्दसान्द्राय शान्ताय तुभ्यं

नमो विश्वकर्त्रे च हर्त्रे च तुभ्यम् |

नमोऽनन्तलीलाय कैवल्यभासे

नमो विश्वबीज प्रसीदेशसूनो ||८||

इमं सुस्तवं प्रातरुत्थाय भक्त्या

पठेद्यस्तु मर्त्यो लभेत्सर्वकामान् |

गणेशप्रसादेन सिद्ध्यन्ति वाचो

गणेशे विभौ दुर्लभं किं प्रसन्ने ||९||

||इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यकृतं गणेशभुजङ्गप्रयातस्तोत्रं

सम्पूर्णम् ||

Lyrics of Shree Ganesh Bhujangam in English:

Ranat Kshudra Ghan Taa Ni Naadaa Bhi Raamam

Chalet Tanda Vod Danda Vat Padma Taalam

Lasat Tundi Laango Pari Vyaala Haaram

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||1||

Dhvani Dhvamsa Veenaa Layollaasi Vaktram

Sphurat Chun Da Dandolla Sat Beeja Pooram

Galad Darpa Sou Gandhya Lolaali Maalam

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||2||

Prakaashaj Japaa Rakta Ranta Prasoona

Pravaala Prabhaa Taaru Na Jyoti Rekam

Pralam Bodaram Vakratun Daika Dantam

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||3||

Vichitra Sphurat Ratna Maalaa Kireetam

Kiree Tolla Sat Chandra Rekhaa Vibhoosham

Vibhoo Shaika Bhoosham Bhava Dhvamsa Hetum

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||4||

Udan Chad Bhujaa Vallaree Drushya Mooloh

Chalad Bhroola Taa Vi Bhrama Bhraaja Daksham

Marut Sundaree Chaamaraih Sevya Maanam

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||5||

Sphuran Nish Thuraa Lola Pingaakshi Taaram

Krupaa Komalo Daara Leelaa Va Taaram

Kalaa Bindugam Geeyate Yogi Varyaihi

Ganaa Dheesha Meeshaana Soonum Tameede||6||

Yamae Kaa Ksharam Nirmalam Nirvi Kalpam

Gunaa Teeta Maa Nanda Maa Kaara Shoonyam

Param Paara Mom Kaara Maan Maaya Garbham

Vathanthi Prakalpam Puraanam Tameede||7||

Chidaa Nanda Saan Draaya Shaan Taaya Tubhyam

Namo Vishva Kartre Cha Hartre Cha Tubhyam

Namo Ananta Leelaaya Kaivalya Bhaase

Namo Vishva Beeja Prasee Desha Soono||8||

Imam Samsta Vam Praata Rutthaaya Bhaktyaa

Pathed Yastu Martyo Labhet Sarva Kaamaan

Ganesha Prasaa Daena Siddh Yanti Vaacho

Ganeshae Vibhou Durlabham Kim Prasanne||9||

Meaning of Shree Ganesh Bhujangam in English:

The Lord, who is pleased with the sound produced by small bells hanging on his body, Whose lotus like feet are performing the Tandava dance following the rhythm, He has a snake as an ornament around his stomach, which is moving on his body. Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
Those who are swinging their faces based on the sound produced by the strings of the musical instrument Veena, Whose trunk looks resplendent and has a pomegranate at its end,Which are attracting bees with their great fragrance.
Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
Who are as radiant as safflower flowers, red coral and soft leaves, Looks great like the rising sun with bright rays Who has a big hanging stomach, bent trunk and only one tooth, Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
Adorned with a crown filled with strings of strange and rare gems, A crescent moon ornament is adorned on that crown, Who himself has become the ornament of ornaments, has become the one who has removed worldly relations, Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
Lord, whose arms and shoulders look attractive while dancing His eyes and eyebrows also move in accordance with his movements, Who are served by divine maidens by blowing the Chamars. Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
Whose soft red eyes look bright, tough and dynamic,O manifest form of the pure, the compassionate and the gentle, Yogis praise Him who is the center of all arts through songs and hymns, Lord Ganesha, leader of the Ganas and son of Lord Shiva, I worship you.
The Lord who is in the form of Omkar, is pleasant and beyond changes,He who is beyond qualities, is supremely happy and has no form, Param, who lives on the opposite bank of the river bank of the world, whose womb is filled with the Vedas in the form of Omkar, Whose glory even the intelligent people proudly say, I worship you, Lord Ganesha.
Whose form is full of supreme happiness and peace, I salute you, who is the creator of the universe as well as its destroyer and dissolver, O cause of divine pastimes, O giver of Kaivalya or salvation, I bow to you I salute you, seed of the universe, be pleased with me, son of Lord Shiva.
Devotees who wake up early in the morning and recite this stotra All their wishes come true. By the grace of Lord Ganesha, he will get powers which will make his words come true. What cannot be achieved if the omnipresent Lord Ganesha himself becomes pleased?
Ganesh Bhujangam Lyrics with Meaning, sacred chants of shree ganpati, Ganesh Bhujangam for the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

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