Dream meaning in astrology

Dreams meaning in astrology, how to interpret dreams, best ways to understand visions, dream interpretation. 

Like astrology, palmistry, tarot, numerology, there is another important subject and i.e. interpretation of dreams. As per dream astrology, there are meaning of dreams what we see in different times. 

Many types of thoughts are related with dreams, some says that we see dreams as per our thoughts in mind, some says that it is the reflection of our subconscious mind, some says that it shows that future happenings and so on. 

Occult science researchers reveals that dreams have important information within them and so it is necessary to keep an eye on our dreams to understand about life in deep. 

Dreams are results of our past deeds, our thoughts, our present deeds, environment etc. and so it is very difficult to understand the meaning of it. Minute watch and interpretation is needed to understand the meaning of dreams. 

Dream meaning in astrology

हिंदी में पढ़िए स्वप्न ज्योतिष के बारे में 

How dreams helps to understand life?

As it is said that dreams are results of our past and present deeds, our thinking, our environment and so doctors, astrologers, psychologist try to know about dreams of patients, clients so as to understand the present situation of mind deeply. 

Astrologers also suggest various remedies just by knowing the types of dreams person see time to time. 

Many people find answers of their questions in dream, many ones find ways to move ahead in life through dreams. 

People also win in speculative market just by analyzing their dreams daily.

So dreams are very important and we must keep an eye on our dreams so as to know about our life deeply.

Dreams sometimes shows past, sometimes present and sometimes future. 

Before moving further let’s take an example. One of client regularly having dream of his ancestor 

Read more about DREAM ASTROLOGY

Let’s know meaning of some dreams as per astrology:

In dream astrology, we check  how many times the dream occur i.e. is the person dreaming the same topic again and again or twice in a week or occasionally, monthly etc. 

As per occurrence, we find the meaning and then remedies are given in case of negative dreams.

Some Beliefs related to dream Astrology :

  1. Dream of white snake bite: This is an auspicious dream which shows getting benefits in spiritual practice and getting financial benefits.
  2. Dream of Bathing in river: This is again an auspicious dream which shows that you will overcome from illness and physical sufferings. 
  3. Dream of climbing hill : If any native see this dream that means he or she will get promotion or social status or new authorities with responsibilities. 
  4. Dream of playing flute: if anyone see dream of playing flute then this shows the chances of promotion in social and professional life. 
  5. Dream of garden: If you see a beautiful garden then no doubt this is a sign of get-rid of debt or having strong financial position.
  6. Dream of clouds: if you see clouds in dream then this is sign of any type of benefits in life. 
  7. Vision of falling house: this is a sign of promotion.
  8. Vision of eating chapatti : this shows that person will hear any good news. 
  9. Dream of massaging own with oil: This shows that your financial position will become strong.
  10. Vision of horse race: This dream means you will win in any case, debate, etc. 
  11. Dream of god or goddess: This is a sign of getting name and fame, It also shows that you will get success in any work which you are doing for long. 
  12. Dream of any saint: This is the sign of getting success in any present work and also getting success in spiritual practice. 
  13. Vision of lion: If you are suffering from enemies and you see lion then no doubt your enemy will become weak.
  14. Vision of hair cutting: If you are in debt and you see doing hair cutting then it is a sign of getting free from debt, loan. 
  15. Dream cremation ground: this means that you will get financial benefit. 
  16. Dreams of falling: this means that this is a time to take precaution in running projects, job and personal life. Don’t take decisions in hurry if you see this while sleeping. This is a sign that any type of fear is making your disturbed.
  17. Dream of dying: This is actually a good dream and it shows that you are saved from any big problems in life. Dream that you are crying: this is a good sign and you will definitely get a good news in coming days.   

Above we have seen some common dreams and there meaning as per astrology. 

Read more meanings of dreams in astrology

How to interpret dreams?

Remember that the repletion of dream enhance the chances of happening in real life, with this the dreams which are seen in early morning are very strong as per astrology. So before reaching to any decisions, do keep in mind the above points that when you are seeing the dreams, how many times you are having the dream. 

Dreams meaning in astrology, how to interpret dreams, best ways to understand visions, dream interpretation.

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