Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits, meaning of Durga Kavach. 

Goddess Kavach was told by Brahma to sage Markandeya and it has 56 verses.  Chanting it especially during Navratri is extremely beneficial.

Under this, different forms of the Goddess have been praised. 

For the protection of any devotee who is suffering from any kind of upper obstacle, suffering from negative powers, a very powerful practice has been given in Durgashaptashati which is known as DEVI KAVACH. This is a boon for all of us. Those who recite this Kavach daily, they easily get out of the most difficult situations of their life.

lyrics of devi kavacham

Let us know what are the benefits of RECITING Durga Kavach?

  1. Its recitation helps to receive the grace of various forms of the Goddess.
  2. Those who are troubled by enemies in life, they are protected by the recitation of this DURGA KAVACH.
  3. Whatever fear may be there in life, it can be avoided.
  4. This armor has the ability to get out of even the worst situations.
  5. Recitation of Devi kavach can bring a seeker out of diseases and sorrows.
  6. Protects from BLACK MAGIC is possible.
  7. Its reciter is protected from all directions.
  8. There is protection from ghosts, Shakini, Dakini, demon, Brahmarakshasa etc.
  9. By regular recitation of this Goddess Kavach, the seeker gets fame, fame, wealth, knowledge.
  10. Whoever recites this devi kavach 3 times a day i.e. morning, noon and eveningcannot be defeated anywhere in all the three worlds.
  11. This powerful armor protects from premature death.

Check Lyrics of Devi kavacham In Sanskrit Here

Lyrics of Devi Kavach In Sanskrit ॥ देवी कवच ॥ :

विनियोग –

 ॐ अस्य श्रीचण्डीकवचस्य ब्रह्मा ऋषिः , अनुष्टुप् छन्दः , चामुण्डा देवता, अङ्गन्यासोक्तमातरो बीजम् , दिग्बन्धदेवतास्तत्त्वम् , श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थे सप्तशतीपाठाङ्गत्वेन जपे विनियोगः ॥

ॐ नमश्चण्डिकायै ॥

मार्कण्डेय उवाच

ॐ यद्गुह्यं परमं लोके सर्वरक्षाकरं नृणाम् ।

यन्न कस्यचिदाख्यातं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह ॥ १ ॥


अस्ति गुह्यतमं विप्र सर्वभूतोपकारकम् ।

देव्यास्तु कवचं पुण्यं तच्छृणुष्व महामुने ॥ २ ॥


तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम् ॥ ३ ॥

पञ्चमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च ।

सप्तमं कालरात्रीति महागौरीति चाष्टमम् ॥ ४ ॥

नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः ।

उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना ॥ ५ ॥

अग्निना दह्यमानस्तु शत्रुमध्ये गतो रणे ।

विषमे दुर्गमे चैव भयार्ताः शरणं गताः ॥ ६ ॥

न तेषां जायते किंचिदशुभं रणसंकटे ।

नापदं तस्य पश्यामि शोकदुःखभयं न हि ॥ ७ ॥

यैस्तु भक्त्या स्मृता नूनं तेषां वृद्धिः प्रजायते ।

ये त्वां स्मरन्ति देवेशि रक्षसे तान्न संशयः ॥ ८ ॥

प्रेतसंस्था तु चामुण्डा वाराही महिषासना ।

ऐन्द्री गजसमारूढा वैष्णवी गरुडासना ॥ ९ ॥

माहेश्वरी वृषारूढा कौमारी शिखिवाहना ।

लक्ष्मीः पद्मासना देवी पद्महस्ता हरिप्रिया ॥ १० ॥

श्वेतरूपधरा देवी ईश्वरी वृषवाहना ।

ब्राह्मी हंससमारूढा सर्वाभरणभूषिता ॥ ११ ॥

इत्येता मातरः सर्वाः सर्वयोगसमन्विताः ।

नानाभरणशोभाढ्या नानारत्नोपशोभिताः ॥ १२ ॥

दृश्यन्ते रथमारूढा देव्यः क्रोधसमाकुलाः ।

शङ्खं चक्रं गदां शक्तिं हलं च मुसलायुधम् ॥ १३ ॥

खेटकं तोमरं चैव परशुं पाशमेव च ।

कुन्तायुधं त्रिशूलं च शार्ङ्गमायुधमुत्तमम् ॥ १४ ॥

दैत्यानां देहनाशाय भक्तानामभयाय च ।

धारयन्त्यायुधानीत्थं देवानां च हिताय वै ॥ १५ ॥

नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे महाघोरपराक्रमे ।

महाबले महोत्साहे महाभयविनाशिनि ॥ १६ ॥

त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये शत्रूणां भयवर्धिनि ।

प्राच्यां रक्षतु मामैन्द्री आग्नेय्यामग्निदेवता ॥ १७ ॥

दक्षिणेऽवतु वाराही नैर्ऋत्यां खड्गधारिणी ।

प्रतीच्यां वारुणी रक्षेद् वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी ॥ १८ ॥

उदीच्यां पातु कौमारी ऐशान्यां शूलधारिणी ।

ऊर्ध्वं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेदधस्ताद् वैष्णवी तथा ॥ १९ ॥

एवं दश दिशो रक्षेच्चामुण्डा शववाहना ।

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

जया मे चाग्रतः पातु विजया पातु पृष्ठतः ॥ २० ॥

अजिता वामपार्श्वे तु दक्षिणे चापराजिता ।

शिखामुद्योतिनी रक्षेदुमा मूर्ध्नि व्यवस्थिता ॥ २१ ॥

मालाधरी ललाटे च भ्रुवौ रक्षेद् यशस्विनी ।

त्रिनेत्रा च भ्रुवोर्मध्ये यमघण्टा च नासिके ॥ २२ ॥

शङ्खिनी चक्षुषोर्मध्ये श्रोत्रयोर्द्वारवासिनी ।

कपोलौ कालिका रक्षेत्कर्णमूले तु शांकरी ॥ २३ ॥

नासिकायां सुगन्धा च उत्तरोष्ठे च चर्चिका ।

अधरे चामृतकला जिह्वायां च सरस्वती ॥ २४ ॥

दन्तान् रक्षतु कौमारी कण्ठदेशे तु चण्डिका ।

घण्टिकां चित्रघण्टा च महामाया च तालुके ॥ २५ ॥

कामाक्षी चिबुकं रक्षेद् वाचं मे सर्वमङ्गला ।

ग्रीवायां भद्रकाली च पृष्ठवंशे धनुर्धरी ॥ २६ ॥

नीलग्रीवा बहिःकण्ठे नलिकां नलकूबरी ।

स्कन्धयोः खडि्गनी रक्षेद् बाहू मे वज्रधारिणी ॥ २७ ॥

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

हस्तयोर्दण्डिनी रक्षेदम्बिका चाङ्गुलीषु च ।

नखाञ्छूलेश्वरी रक्षेत्कुक्षौ रक्षेत्कुलेश्वरी ॥ २८ ॥

स्तनौ रक्षेन्महादेवी मनः शोकविनाशिनी ।

हृदये ललिता देवी उदरे शूलधारिणी ॥ २९ ॥

नाभौ च कामिनी रक्षेद् गुह्यं गुह्येश्वरी तथा ।

पूतना कामिका मेढ्रं गुदे महिषवाहिनी ॥ ३० ॥

कट्यां भगवती रक्षेज्जानुनी विन्ध्यवासिनी ।

जङ्घे महाबला रक्षेत्सर्वकामप्रदायिनी ॥ ३१ ॥

गुल्फयोर्नारसिंही च पादपृष्ठे तु तैजसी ।

पादाङ्गुलीषु श्री रक्षेत्पादाधस्तलवासिनी ॥ ३२ ॥

नखान् दंष्ट्राकराली च केशांश्चैवोर्ध्वकेशिनी ।

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

रोमकूपेषु कौबेरी त्वचं वागीश्वरी तथा ॥ ३३ ॥

रक्तमज्जावसामांसान्यस्थिमेदांसि पार्वती ।

अन्त्राणि कालरात्रिश्च पित्तं च मुकुटेश्वरी ॥ ३४ ॥

पद्मावती पद्मकोशे कफे चूडामणिस्तथा ।

ज्वालामुखी नखज्वालामभेद्या सर्वसंधिषु ॥ ३५ ॥

शुक्रं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेच्छायां छत्रेश्वरी तथा ।

अहंकारं मनो बुद्धिं रक्षेन्मे धर्मधारिणी ॥ ३६ ॥

प्राणापानौ तथा व्यानमुदानं च समानकम् ।

वज्रहस्ता च मे रक्षेत्प्राणं कल्याणशोभना ॥ ३७ ॥

रसे रूपे च गन्धे च शब्दे स्पर्शे च योगिनी ।

सत्त्वं रजस्तमश्चैव रक्षेन्नारायणी सदा ॥ ३८ ॥

आयू रक्षतु वाराही धर्मं रक्षतु वैष्णवी ।

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

यशः कीर्तिं च लक्ष्मीं च धनं विद्यां च चक्रिणी ॥ ३९ ॥

गोत्रमिन्द्राणि मे रक्षेत्पशून्मे रक्ष चण्डिके ।

पुत्रान् रक्षेन्महालक्ष्मीर्भार्यां रक्षतु भैरवी ॥ ४० ॥

पन्थानं सुपथा रक्षेन्मार्गं क्षेमकरी तथा ।

राजद्वारे महालक्ष्मीर्विजया सर्वतः स्थिता ॥ ४१ ॥

रक्षाहीनं तु यत्स्थानं वर्जितं कवचेन तु ।

तत्सर्वं रक्ष मे देवि जयन्ती पापनाशिनी ॥ ४२ ॥

पदमेकं न गच्छेत्तु यदीच्छेच्छुभमात्मनः ।

कवचेनावृतो नित्यं यत्र यत्रैव गच्छति ॥ ४३ ॥

तत्र तत्रार्थलाभश्च विजयः सार्वकामिकः ।

यं यं चिन्तयते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम् ।

परमैश्वर्यमतुलं प्राप्स्यते भूतले पुमान् ॥ ४४ ॥

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

निर्भयो जायते मर्त्यः संग्रामेष्वपराजितः ।

त्रैलोक्ये तु भवेत्पूज्यः कवचेनावृतः पुमान् ॥ ४५ ॥

इदं तु देव्याः कवचं देवानामपि दुर्लभम् ।

यः पठेत्प्रयतो नित्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं श्रद्धयान्वितः ॥ ४६ ॥

दैवी कला भवेत्तस्य त्रैलोक्येष्वपराजितः ।

जीवेद् वर्षशतं साग्रमपमृत्युविवर्जितः ॥ ४७ ॥

नश्यन्ति व्याधयः सर्वे लूताविस्फोटकादयः ।

स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम् ॥ ४८ ॥

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतले ।

भूचराः खेचराश्चैव जलजाश्चोपदेशिकाः ॥ ४९ ॥

सहजा कुलजा माला डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा ।

अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा डाकिन्यश्च महाबलाः ॥ ५० ॥

ग्रहभूतपिशाचाश्च यक्षगन्धर्वराक्षसाः ।

ब्रह्मराक्षसवेतालाः कूष्माण्डा भैरवादयः ॥ ५१ ॥

नश्यन्ति दर्शनात्तस्य कवचे हृदि संस्थिते ।

मानोन्नतिर्भवेद् राज्ञस्तेजोवृद्धिकरं परम् ॥ ५२ ॥

Lyrics of Devi kavacham with benefits

यशसा वर्धते सोऽपि कीर्तिमण्डितभूतले ।

जपेत्सप्तशतीं चण्डीं कृत्वा तु कवचं पुरा ॥ ५३ ॥

यावद्भूमण्डलं धत्ते सशैलवनकाननम् ।

तावत्तिष्ठति मेदिन्यां संततिः पुत्रपौत्रिकी ॥ ५४ ॥

देहान्ते परमं स्थानं यत्सुरैरपि दुर्लभम् ।

प्राप्नोति पुरुषो नित्यं महामायाप्रसादतः ॥ ५५ ॥

लभते परमं रूपं शिवेन सह मोदते ॥ ॐ ॥ ५६ ॥

॥इति देव्याः कवचम सम्पूर्ण ॥

Read about Tantrokt Devi Suktam from Durgashaptshati 

Meaning of Lyrics of Devi Kavacham In English:

Om Salutations to Chandika Devi.

  Sage Markandeya said

Father! Tell me any such means which is the ultimate secret in this world and the protector of humans in all ways and which you have not revealed to anyone till now.


Brahma ji said] Brahman! Such a means is only the armor of a goddess, which is the most secret, pure and beneficial to all living beings. Mahamune! Listen to it.

There are nine incarnition of the Goddess, which are called Navadurga. Their different names are mentioned. First name is Shailputri. The name of the second is Brahmacharini. The third form is famous by the name of Chandraghanta. The fourth incarnition is called Kushmanda. The name of the fifth Durga is Skandamata.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavacham with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

The sixth form of the Goddess is called Katyayani. The seventh form is known as Kalaratri and the eighth form is known as Mahagauri. The name of the ninth Durga is Siddhidatri. All these names have been propounded by the omniscient Mahatma Veda Bhagwan only.

The person who is burning in the fire, surrounded by enemies in the battlefield, trapped in an odd crisis and thus eager for fear, who has taken shelter of Bhagwati Durga, no bad thing ever happens to him. No calamity is seen on him even when he is in trouble during the war. They do not get grief, sorrow and fear.

Those who have remembered the Goddess with devotion, they definitely get abhyudaya. Deveshwari! You undoubtedly protect those who think of you.

Chamunda Devi is mounted on a ghost. Varahi rides on a buffalo. Airavat the elephant is the vehicle of Aindri. Vaishnavi Devi sits on Garuda only.

Maheshwari is mounted on Taurus. The vehicle of a virgin is the peacock. Goddess Lakshmi, the beloved of Lord Vishnu, is seated on a lotus seat and is holding a lotus in her hands.

Mounted on Taurus, Ishwari Devi has assumed a white form. Goddess Brahmi is seated on a swan and is adorned with all kinds of ornaments.

In this way all these mothers are endowed with all kinds of yogic powers. Apart from these, there are many other goddesses, who are decorated with many types of ornaments and decorated with different types of gems.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

All these goddesses are full of anger and are seen sitting on the chariot to protect the devotees. She holds conch, chakra, mace, Shakti, plow and pestle, Khetak and Tomar, Parshu and Pash, Kunt and Trishul and Uttam Sharng bow etc. in her hands.

To destroy the bodies of the demons, to give shelter to the devotees and to do welfare of the deities – this is the purpose of their arms.

Goddess of great ferocity, immense prowess, great strength and great enthusiasm! You are the destroyer of great fear, salutations to you.

It’s hard to even look at you. Jagdambike who instills fear in the enemies! protect me. May Indri  protect me in the east. May Agnishakti in the fire angle, Varahi in the south and Khadgadharini in the southwest protect me. May the goddess who rides on Varuni in the west and the deer in the north protect me.

May Goddess Shuldharini protect the virgin in the north and the goddess Shuldharini in the northeast. Brahmani! You protect me from above and Vaishnavi Devi protects me from below.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavacham with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

Similarly, may Goddess Chamunda, who makes the dead body her vehicle, protect me in the ten directions. Let Jaya protect me from the front and Vijaya from the back.

Protect Ajita in the left and Aparajita in the south. May Udyotini protect Shikha. May Uma protect me by sitting on my head.

May Maladhari protect my forehead and Yashaswini Devi protect my eyebrows. May Goddess Yamaghanta protect the Trinetra in the center of the eyebrows and the nostrils.

Shankhini in the middle of both the eyes and Dvaravasini protects the ears. May Kalika Devi protect the cheeks and Bhagwati Shankari protect the root of the ears.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

May Sugandha protect the nostrils and Charchika Devi protect the upper lip. Amritkala of the lower lip and goddess Saraswati protect the tongue.

Protect virginity teeth and Chandika throat region. Chitraghanta protects the neck and Mahamaya stays in the palate.

May Kamakshi protect my chin and Sarvamangala protect my speech. Bhadrakali protects the neck and Dhanurdhari protects the spine.

Nilgriva protects the outer part of the throat and nalkubari protects the tube of the throat. May Goddess Vajradharini protect both my shoulders and my arms.

May Dandini of both my hands and Ambika protect my fingers, may Shuleshwari protect my nails. Kuleshwari protects the Kukshi (stomach).

May Mahadevi protect both the breasts and Shokvinashini Devi protect my mind. May Lalita Devi protect the heart and Shuldharini the abdomen.

May Kamini protect the navel and Guhyeshwari protect the genital area. Putna and Kamika protect the penis and Mahishvahini protects the anus.

May Bhagwati protect Katibhag and Vindhyavasini protect my knees. May Goddess Mahabala, who grants all wishes, protect both my calves.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

May Narasimhi protect both the knees and Taijasi Devi protect the back of both my feet. May Sridevi protect the toes of the feet and Talvasini protect the soles of the feet.

May Goddess Dashtrakarali, who looks fierce because of her teeth, protect the nails and Goddess Urdhvakeshini the hair. May Cowberry protect the pores of the Romavalis and Goddess Vagishwari protect the skin.

May Goddess Parvati protect blood, marrow, fat, flesh, bone and fat. Kalaratri protects intestines and Mukuteshwari protects bile.

Let Padmavati Devi protect the lotus cells like Muladhar and Chudamani Devi protect the cough. Let the volcano protect the sharpness of the nails. The one who cannot be penetrated by any weapon, may that impregnable goddess protect the body by staying in all the treaties.

Brahmani! You protect my semen. May Chhatreshwari Chhaya and Dharmadharini Devi protect my ego, mind and intellect.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

May Goddess Vajrahasta, who holds the thunderbolt in her hand, protect my life, apana, vyana, udana and the same air. May Bhagwati Kalyanshobhana, who is beautified by welfare, protect my life.

Rasa, form, smell, sound and touch – May Yogini Devi protect while experiencing these subjects and may Narayani Devi always protect Sattvagun, Rajogun and Tamogun.

Varahi protect my age. Vaishnavis protect Dharma and Chakrini (the one who holds the wheel) protects fame, fame, Lakshmi, wealth and learning.

Indrani! You protect my tribe. Chandike! You protect my animals. May Mahalakshmi protect the sons and Bhairavi protect the wife.

Protect the smoothness of my path and the safety of the path. May Mahalakshmi protect me in the king’s court and May Vijaya Devi, who pervades everywhere, protect me from all fears.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

Devi! The place which is not mentioned in the armor, therefore is devoid of protection, may all that be protected by you, because you are Vijayshalini and Papanashini.

If he wants the good of his body, then man should not go even a single step without armor – he should travel only after reciting armor. A man protected from all sides by armor, wherever he goes, he gets wealth and victory that fulfills all his wishes.

Whatever he thinks about, he definitely gets it. That man is the partaker of great opulence without comparison on this earth.

A man protected by armor becomes fearless. He is never defeated in war and is worshipable in all the three worlds.

This armor of the goddess is rare even for the gods. One who regularly recites it daily in all the three evenings with devotion, attains the divine arts and is not defeated anywhere in the three worlds. Not only this, he remains free from apamrityu (untimely death) and lives for more than a hundred years.

Makari, smallpox and leprosy etc. all his diseases are destroyed. The immobile poison of Kaner, Bhang, Opium, Dhatura etc., the movable poison produced by the bites of snakes and scorpions etc. and the artificial poison made by mixing Ahifen and oil etc. – all these types of poisons go away, they have no effect. Would .

All the ritualistic experiments on this earth like Maran-Mohan etc. and all the mantras and yantras of this type, all of them get destroyed on seeing that man when he wears this armor in his heart.

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in English.

Not only this, the village deities who wander on the earth, special celestial deities, ganas who appear in relation to water, low-grade deities who are proved by preaching alone, deities who appear with their birth, family deities, garlands (necklaces etc.), dakinis. , Shakini, extremely powerful fierce dakinis roaming in space, planets, ghosts, vampires, yakshas, Gandharva, demons, Brahmarakshasas, Betal, Kushmand and Bhairav etc. malefic deities also run away at the sight of that man wearing armor in the heart. .

A man in armor gets an increase in respect from the king. This armor is the one that increases the glory of man and is the best.

The man who recites the Kavach gets growth along with his Suyash on the earth adorned with his fame. The one who recites Saptshati Chandi first after reciting Kavach, as long as this earth with forests, mountains and ears remains, till then the progeny of sons and grandsons etc. remains here.

Then after the end of the body, that man gets that eternal supreme position, which is rare even for the gods, by the blessings of Bhagwati Mahamaya.

He assumes a beautiful divine form and enjoys the company of the auspicious Shiva.

॥ Iti Devi Kavach Sampoornam

 Benefits of Durga Kavach, lyrics of devi kavach with meaning, Durga Kavach in Sanskrit.

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