Effects of Black Magic and Remedies

Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies, Evil eye effects solutions.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies: Because of increasing negative competition, the use of dark energy is also getting increased. Some people think that this is the easiest way to fulfill wishes. But this is one of the most dangerous way ruin our own life and other so it is good to avoid this as much as we can.

Many people has lost their money, family, peace, health after using the black magic. Sudden death of family member, chronic diseases, fear, instability in mind are seen with the victims of dark energies.

Effects of Black Magic and RemediesEffects of Black Magic and Remedies

What is Black Magic/Kala jadu?

A very important question and it is very necessary to know the answer of this question that what is kala jadu and how it is done. As i said earlier that kalajadu is the misuse of science. In this by using the mantra power tantrik controls the spirit and get their things done. In this some special things are also used after activating it’s power. In kalajadu evils powers are used to get the things done. It is used by the destructive minded persons. A little knowledge is sometime very dangerous and this is seen with the people who use dark energies to fulfill there wishes. They don’t know that this will ruin their future and then no one can save them.

How Black Magic is done?

Kalajadu is a very dangerous to practice but it is necessary to know that how it is done. For knowledge i am providing here some information. Kalajadu is done by using some special types of mantra and things and on special time to harm other. In this generally amavasya is used, grahan time is used, dark nights are used. It is done from cremation ground, graveyard, kabristan etc. In this help of evil spirit is taken by tantriks. In this tantrik offer things to the evil spirits and compel them to do the specific works for them.

Kalajadu is done with some special types of totkay too. In this some negative things are put in rivals places and the game of destruction started. So it is a very destructive way which not only harm other but also ruin the user too. But due to lack of knowledge people use this lore.

It’s my humble request to not use kalajadu in any case and also keep yourself away from this types of persons who try to use kalajadu.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies:Things used In Black Magic:

Impure things as per common persons are used in this like as excreta, toilet water, nails, cloths, different parts of animals, blood, soil, puppets, Lemon, Pins, skull, bones, hairs etc.

Let’s find some impacts which will clear you that the person is affected from Kalajadu:

  • Person fears to enter in temple or sacred place.
  • Person becomes angry very soon.
  • On special time abnormal behavior is seen.
  • Body becomes lean very much.
  • The color of eyes becomes change.
  • Sometimes victim feels pain in whole body.
  • Sometimes person talks with himself.

How to know that when someone is Doing black magic on our land or house?

Before knowing facts related to above topic it is necessary to have answers of some questions otherwise mind entangle in doubts.

First of all it is necessary to believe that there is existence of black magic, it is real and only victims can give you proof. As an astrologer I have personally met those people who were living a life like hell and after adopting the proper ways, there life has changed.

It is as true as there is existence of sun, moon, sky. So no need to question on this matter.

Black magic is done to to harm someone by using super natural force. Many businessmen, happy family are washed away because of this evil magic. It is necessary to know some common symptoms of kala jadu.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Now how to know that someone is making black magic on house or land?

This is a very important question and it is easy to detect that whether anyone or house or land is under influence of kala jadu.

Let’s check 9 symptoms to confirm the dark magic effects:

  1. If anyone is living a happy life and suddenly there is feeling start of having someone in house but no one is there. If this happens for many days then you must think about seriously.
  2. If anyone is enjoying any land but suddenly deflexion /उच्चाटन starts in mind i.e. if you find yourself uncomfortable by entering your own land and this takes place regularly for many days that means your land is under influence of any black magic.
  3. Another common sign is finding some suspicious things in house like lemon, chilly seeds, doll, toilet any yantra on special days like no moon night, full moon night, navratris, Saturday, Tuesday etc. and after that if you find negative changes in your home environment, relationships then be alert. You may be under influence of black magic.
  4. Some victims also told me that they are seeing a shadow in a specific time in their home. And after doing remedies they became free from this.
  5. When someone is make black magic on house or land then mainly the owner suffers a lot and due to this whole family starts suffering.
  6. If accidents start happening and death case also start without having any genuine reason then there is definitely impact of dark magic.
  7. If short circuit or burning anywhere in home or land is taking place regularly then be careful. It may be due to kala jadu.
  8. If you find a bad smell in your land or house then it may also be due to black magic.
  9. If your fertile land become barren suddenly then this is not an ordinary incident. You must adopt some protection ways to make yourself safe.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Why anyone perform black magic on land or house?

  • There are many reasons of this, suppose someone want to buy your land or house and you are not doing so then it is possible that he or she may use the occult science to divert your mind from your own property. So that you may forcefully leave the land or house.
  • Sometimes it is also observed that some jealous relatives don’t like the happy life of you and they perform black magic to disturb life.
  • Sometime negative minded x-lovers also use black magic to destroy the happy life. This is a way of revenge by bad minded lovers.
  • Many times it is also found that jealous neighbor farmer used the negative ways to put anyone down in income and made the fertile land barren. This is a very common process in this world.

What to do when you come to know that someone is making black magic on you or on your land or your house?

Remedies are very important in case of trapped by any evil forces and for this you need an expert advice. You must contact Astrologer for analysis and proper remedies. Although remedies are differ from religion to religion, here I am showing some Indian ways to protect anyone from kala jadu.

How to know if someone has done black magic on husband?:

Before beginning this article, I want to clear that sometimes the symptoms may be due to impact of malefic or debilitated planet so before confirming do consult any expert.

One thing is special about Female that they have extraordinary senses to feel the abnormal changes in anyone especially in life partner. So if anyone is finding extraordinary changes in behavior of husband then it is necessary to take advice from experienced or best astrologer.

There is solutions of every problem in this world so no need to worry, after regular prayers and rituals it is possible to save husband or life partner or boy friend from the malefic impact of black magic.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Now let’s see in details that “How to know if someone has done black magic on husband or boy friend?”.

  • If you find a heavy loss continuously in business or job or in status regularly then do consult to know the changes in planetary positions and if you find that planets are ok then further move for black magic analysis because then there is great probability of this that any enemy has used the kala jadu to destroy your husband.
  • Next is the break out of anger, frustration without any reason. If life partner starts hating wife suddenly, if he is not giving attention to your message, calls, your feelings then it is possible that he may be possessed.
  • If you find that suddenly your husband is attracted towards any other female or x girl friend then also there is a possibility of black magic done on him. In this case some use vashikaran process with break up process so that person may forcefully inclined towards the x girl friend.
  • If husband is trying to avoid residing at home suddenly and when he enter in home start quarreling with wife and don’t want to spend a single moment with wife then it is very possible that he is under influence of black magic.
  • Another symptom is that if you find changes in eyes i.e. if your husband eyes turn red when comes near to you then also it is possible that he is under influence of bad energy.
  • If you find a bad smell regularly while going near to him then be careful, it is possible that your husband is under influence of black magic.
  • If your husband is seeing frightening dreams regularly and avoiding work for long time then it is necessary to go for analysis.

How to know that Business is affected by Black Magic ?

Business and black magic, Reasons of failure in work, Siddha yantras and totkays for protection, symptoms of black magic attack.

Use of black magic in business in this competitive age is getting common day by day. This negative use of science is used by the persons who are jealous of other growth. The user of black magic don’t know the side effects of this black science. The victim of black magic is unable to grow and business gets locked suddenly. So it is very necessary to protect our business from black magic and if it is done then do remedy as soon as possible.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Business Risk ! From Whom?

This is a very important question that from whom you have to take care of your business. If we find the answer of this question then it would be easy to mover further.

  • The Competitors- Competition is good but some persons want to win in any case and this feelings insist them to use the black magic to dominate the other’s business.
  • The Negative minded persons who like to embarrass others- There are some person who don’t like the happiness of others and for this they use the negative science to embarrass just for sake.
  • The negative energies which increases in some special time period- In some special time of amavas or no moon night the power of negative energies increases and on that time some business owners suffers.
  • The evil eye effects- This is a very common problem in this world, there are various persons enters in our business premises some of them are not of good mind and energies. In this world there are many persons who if see you with wrong intention just finish your business. This type of effect is called evil eye effects. WE have to protect our business from this evil eye effects.
  • The totkay which others do to harm others- Many persons do the totkay and put it in the intersection of 4 roads if by mistake a business men get in touch with it then he or she suffers. So we have to take precaution.
  • The totkay which others do to enhance their life- There are some totkay which are done for life enhancement but it affects the life of others if get in touch.

What are the symptoms of black magic on any business?

How to know that our business is suffering from black magic. The negative use of occult science is a very important question. Business is the source of livelihood so negative minded persons uses the kala jaadu or black magic to destroy the business to dominate any one. So don’t underestimate any type of negative incidents if it is going on with your business. Consult astrologer or scholars to get business remedies at once.

Let’s see some important symptoms which the owner of the business feels due to black magic-

  1. The business gets blocked it is due to the process of “vyaapaar bandh”.
  2. The customers don’t want to stay in business premises.
  3. Continuously headache in the mind of business owner or the persons who are present in the business premises.
  4. Regular fall in business.
  5. Strange smell in the business premises.
  6. Frightening dreams.
  7. Strange type of fear in the mind of business owner or the sales persons.
  8. Switching of sales staff rapidly.
  9. Dissatisfaction in the mind of customers.
  10. Abnormal behavior of business owner.
  11. Finding some tantrik items in the business premises like as bones, sindoor, lemon, black sesame, chilly etc.
  12. Sudden accidents.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Evil Eye Effects Impacts:

Reasons of evil eye effects and remedies, how anyone affected with evil energies, how to save ourselves, business, family from negative energies.

After getting so many mails on evil eye effects I am writing this article on the basis of my experience. Here I am going to explain, what is evil eye effect, how a person trapped, what are the reasons of getting trapped, measures to save ourselves from any evil energies.

We have seen generally in every auspicious occasion that any old lady or gents from our family take something and move it from home and person and then throw it outside.

Some burn the things, some throw it outside, some cut and throw and so on. These are all the ways to getrid of negative energies. For the decades these special traditions are going on to save ourselves from evil energies.

We cannot ignore the presence of jealous people, we cannot ignore the presence of evils. As per my experience there are many ones who has immense power to destroy any thing or any one just by thinking about that, there words become alive, there sight are dangerous. Some are aware about there powers and some are not. Some negative minded persons who have this type of power don’t want anyone to live a very successful life and so they always throw there negative thinking towards others and create obstacles.

We call this type of effects as “Evil Eye Effects”. These persons when see anyone and think negatively then problems arises in life. So it is necessary to perform special task to avoid this.

We have generally seen that :

  • Some put a dangerous face in new construction site.
  • Some put lemon an chillies in the front gate.
  • Some put snake pictures in entrance.
  • Some put black pot in roof etc.
  • All these are totkay to prohibits negativity.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Who Easily Get Affected From Evil Eye Effects:

Reasons of evil eye effects and remedies, how one affected with evil eye effects, how to save ourselves, how to save our business, Protection from evil eye effects.

As per my experience, I have found that following persons affected easily with evil eye effects-

  • Who have RAKSHAS gan in kundli.
  • Who have weak ascendant.
  • Who have grahan yoga in horoscope.
  • Who have debilitated or malefic Rahu and ketu.
  • Who have powerful and malefic bitter planets in horoscope etc.

So if the planets are not very powerful and bad yogas are exist then person easily trapped and suffer. Many people think that some has done black magic but it is not so always.

Now Let’s See Some Impacts Of Evil Eye Effects:

  1. Conflict arises between happily living couples.
  2. Business losses arises suddenly.
  3. Family members suffer from diseases.
  4. Sometime earning member suffered a lot.
  5. Accidents happen and life gets disturbed.
  6. End of love relations suddenly.
  7. Problems arises in relations.
  8. Problems arises in job and circumstances force to leave the good job and so on.
  9. Some babies leave milk and food, even adults can also leave something suddenly.

So there may be so many impacts of evil eye effects. It is very necessary to take precaution to keep our life safe.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Difference Between Black Magic and Evil Eye Effects:

Most of the people take black magic and evil eye effects same but there is difference, In black magic, some one perform special rituals to harm any one but in evil eye effects someone’s jealous feelings act as negative energies. There are some people who have quite enough power to destroy any one’s life because of there eyes and thinking. When these type of people look at us our towards our home then special negative energies enter in our life and destroy every things.

Symptoms Of Evil Eye Effects On House:

It is not possible to clear every happenings because every one face different types of problems because of evil eye effect. As per my experience I am providing here some experiences–

  • Some faces sudden health loss and medical reports are normal.
  • Some faces accidents of family members due to evil eye effects.
  • Unexpected death of family members.
  • Heavy financial loss without having any genuine reason also happen due to evil eye effects.
  • Intolerable smell within house and from body.
  • Hair in food regularly.
  • Quarrels among member of family also take place due to evil eye effects.
  • Relationship break up also take place due to impact of negative energies.
  • Pets starts dying or generate special sounds due to evil eye effects.
  • Absent mindedness also seen in members sometimes which lead to heavy loss or accidents.
  • Not working in-spite of having good knowledge and experience.
  • Excessive use of drugs and alcohol suddenly.

Above are some effects of evil eye effects in house. It is very necessary to protect our house, home, office, work place from evil eye effects and for that there are some easy ways which I am providing below.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

What are the Remedies Of Black Magic and Evil Eye Effects?

Here I am providing some easy and basic ways to make ourselves safe immediately:

  • Start sprinkling holy water or gangajal on whole house, land and on yourself. Do this for 40 days regularly.
  • Check your land and home properly. If you find any suspicious thing then do burn it immediately.
  • Start reciting any kawach of goddess kali or durga kawach 2 times , in morning and in evening.
  • Start eating tulsi leaves after prayer daily.
  • Stop using wine, non veg, cigarette immediately.
  • Always sprinkle holy water after coming from cremation ground.
  • For female it is good to not cross any intersection of 4 roads during mensuration time.
  • It is good to do proper utara if you have any doubts of kalajadu effects.
  • If you think that you have hidden enemies then do wear special protection siddha tabij.
  • Install siddha Yantra in your house after consultation.
  • There are some special things which if charged and buried under the main gate then no negativity is able to enter in house.

How To Over come From Kalajadu?

After knowing that a person is suffering from kalajadu it is very necessary to tak proper treatment. Here i am providing some ways which will give some relief to live life smoothly.

  1. Have patience and bring sindoor of Hanumanji and put dot on the person daily.
  2. Do utara with rai and salt.
  3. Contact the person who knows about this to help you better.
  4. There are some powerful temples of hanumanji like mehdipur balaji where the treatment of this is done.
  5. There are some dargah where also this type of treatment is done like jawra in M.P.
  6. Sprinkle holy water on the victim.
  7. There are some people who know how to treat person affected from black magic.
  8. There are special tabij which can protect you from any evil energies. To get evil protection tabij you can contact me.
  9. On diwali night also many process are done to remove black magic.

I have cleared here some things which can definitely help you to understand kalajadu. If you think i can help you in any manner then do contact me.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Solutions of Black Magic :

  • Bring the sindoor of hanumanji on Tuesday and use the dot of it regularly.
  • Get a Siddha rudraksh pendent and wear it on auspicious time.
  • There are some special ganda and tabij are made on auspicious time of navratri, grahan, holi etc. If you get it and wear, it also protect from kalajadu.
  • There are some special type of oil which if used for massage then it will protect from kalajadu.
  • If you are familiar with ‘Dhatura’ then on Pushya nakshatra day bring it whole and do utara of house and person and bury it on cremation ground invertly. It will give relief.
  • Take red chilly, rai, salt and move it 21 times head to feet and burn it in front of victim.
  • Get charged holy water from any priest or scholar and sprinkle on whole house and victim.
  • Get a kalajadu protection tabij and wear it.
  • If any planet is affecting badly then it is good to proceed for Planetary peace process.
  • There are special gems stone ring which if worn properly on auspicious day then it shows miraculous effects.
  • Special siddha yantras are present which if installed properly then no doubt your house will be protected from kalajadu.

Protect your self from kalajadu, protect your house from kalajadu, protect your business, Industry from kalajadu.

Kalajadu impacts and remedies, How it is done and which items are used to perform evil energy effects, what symptoms are seen on victim of kalajadoo, best ways to remove, Astrologer /jyotish to Cut kalajadu.

How to protect Husband From Black Magic? Get Home Remedies:

If you confirmed that your husband is under impact of evil spirit or any bad magic then you can adopt some home remedies to find positive changes.

  • Go to any hanumanji temple and bring sindoor form his feet. Ask your husband to put dot on forehead regularly and keep it all the time. You can also put sindoor in talisman and ask him to wear.
  • Sprinkle gaumutra and ganga jal regularly on body for 40 days.
  • Do give tulsi leaves to eat daily in the morning after prayers.
  • Take a thread and and recite any mantra of any god or goddess whom you worship regularly and tie 7 knots on it. Now tie this black thread on hand.
  • Ask him to put legs on salt water daily before sleeping for 20 to 30 minute.
  • Consult astrologer for proper analysis of problems and then get some powerful remedies like yantra, poojas, kawach which will help to get rid of black magic.

So if you find any abnormal changes in husband like regular loss in business or dealings, change in behavior like hating wife, quarreling without reason, attracting towards x girl friend, ignoring your messages, feelings, calls, avoiding residing at home in night, change in color of eyes, smell from his body, frightening dreams. Then it is possible that your husband is under influence of black magic. So do consult astrologer for proper analysis and remedies.

Know about planetary impacts on your marriage life.

Know the best gem stone to make life full of love.

Get the best yantra for family protection.

Contact for powerful prayers/pooja/rituals to save husband from black magic.

How to know if someone has done black magic on my husband?, symptoms to confirm that husband is under influence of kala jadu.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

What To Do To Protect Our Business Premises From Black Magic?

If you think that you have danger from your competitors then it is better to use the precautionary measures which will not only protect you but also enhance your business.Astrology and occult sciences provide great ways and tools to protect our self from black magic and negative energies.

  • Install a siddha mahakali yantra in the business premises. Where to install this yantra depends upon the circumstances for this you have to discuss the matter with an experienced consultant.
  • There are some totkay which if done properly and the things are kept in our cash box then also the business thrives.
  • Use of lemon and chilly on every Tuesday and on Saturday in business premises also protect the business from evil eye effects. Read about more home remedies.
  • Use of holy fire (Hawan) in the business premises in every couple of months is also beneficial.
  • Sprinkle the holy water in the business premisesat-least once in a week also remove the negative energies.
  • Use of Alum in proper place also protect from negative energies.
  • Use of holy ash in business premises also protect the area from black magic.
  • Use of ‘gomutra’ is also beneficial.
  • Siddha Shree yantra is also a good solution of black magic problems.
  • With this it is also good for the business owner to wear some special siddha kawach to protect him self or her self. There are many other ways which is not possible to disclose here but by discussing the case you can get them.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

Some Important Tips To Protect Business From Black Magic:

  1. If you think that any type of strange thing is happened then do the utara with lemon at once.
  2. Try to bring any holy person in your business premises, with their power many negativity automatically leave the place.
  3. Try to do hawan timely in your business premises.
  4. Bring the sindoor of Hanumanji on auspicious day and make swastik on the entrance.
  5. Don’t forget to change the lemon and chilly on every Saturday or Tuesday.
  6. If you find any unwanted things in your business area then do consult any experienced astrologer for remedies.
  7. Contact For Best Solutions

So protect your business from black magic, protect your self from black magic, protect your family from black magic with powerful solutions provided by astrologer. If you are facing any business problems due to black magic then consult now. If you are a victim of black magic then do consult for powerful solutions. Business and black magic, Reasons of failure in work, Siddha yantras and totkays for protection

Some Easy Tips To Save From Evil Eye Effects:

  • Don’t show off, don’t be pompous.
  • Don’t talk every time about your success and new things.
  • Try to feed guest always if they come at the time of meal, breakfast of eating anything.
  • Take out a part of meal for dogs, cows etc.
  • Install a good yantra above the entrance door by consulting astrologer.
  • Perform utara of Lemon timely.
  • Sprinkle holy water in whole house timely and on the members of family too.
  • Make a swastik on the main door with the sindoor of hanumanji on any auspicious day.
  • Consult any experience astrologer and know about the positions of planets and also know the remedies to live a successful life.
  • Evil eye effect ruins the life so it is necessary to get-rid of it as soon as possible. Do prayers daily and attract the blessings of divine energies for a successful life.

Reasons of evil eye effects and remedies, how anyone affected with evil energies, how to save ourselves, business, family from negative energies.

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

How To Save House From Evil Eye Effects?

How to save house from evil eye effects, symptoms and best ways of protection, Difference between black magic and evil eye effects.

Generally we think that only human being is affected by evil eye effects but it is not true, our home, house, office, work, occasions also affected badly by evil eye effects.

When negative energies surrounds our home then not only one is affected but whole family trapped and suffers due to different types of problems.

It is because for the decades old people take measures to protect our home from any type of negative energies by hanging black pot, black cloth, dangerous face mask, lemon, chillies, yantras etc.

Whether anyone believe or not but we cannot ignore the presence of negative energies in this universe. In hindi evil eye effect is called “BURI NAJAR”.

Some Easy Ways To Protect Our House From Evil Eye Effects:

How to save house from evil eye effects, symptoms of evil eye effects on home, best ways to protect home from evil eye effects, Difference between black magic and evil eye effects.

  • Hanging Lemon with chillies is one of the common and easiest way , it is necessary to change it regularly.
  • Make a packet of nirgundi and mustard in a black cloth and hang it above entrance door on auspicious time.
  • Get a charged Hanuman Yantra or Durga yantra or a Mahakali Yantra and install it above entrance door on auspicious day and time.
  • Perform special hawan or yagya at home timely is also a good way to protect home from negative energies or evil eye effects.
  • Utara of coconut is also a good way.
  • Making swastik above entrance door is also an easy way to prohibit negative energies.
  • Hang a Fitkari on entrance door.
  • There are other ways also which an experienced astrologer can tell you after hearing and analyzing your details.

Ancient Powerful Remedies of Black Magic

So if you are having problem of evil eye effects then it is good to take measures as soon as possible.

Contact For Best Protection Guidance

Effects of Black Magic and Remedies, Evil eye effects remedies, Effects of black magic, what symptoms are seen on victims of kalajadoo, black magic effects on husband, dark energy impacts on land and business, best ways to remove dark energies

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