Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology

What is Chandra gayatri mantra//चद्र गायत्री मन्त्र, Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology, how to chant, best time to recite this divine spell. 

In vedic astrology moon is very important because predictions are made on the basis of moon movement. 

Good and powerful moon in horoscope gives tremendous benefits while a malefic or debilitated moon ruin the whole life. 

Chandra gayatri mantra is one of powerful spell to attract the blessings of lord moon. 

This is one of best and powerful navagrah mantra. 

|| ॐ क्षीरपुत्राय विद्महे अमृततत्त्वाय धीमहि तन्नो चन्द्र: प्रचोदयात् ||

|| Om Kshir putraay vidmahe amruttatvaay dheemahi tanno chandrah prachodyat ||

Whoever chant this spell of moon will get money, name, fame, love in life by blessings of moon. 

Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology

हिंदी में पढ़िए चन्द्र गायत्री मन्त्र के फायदे क्या है ज्योतिष में 

Benefits of chanting Chandra Gayatri Mantra/चन्द्र गायत्री मंत्र:

  1. If there is malefic or debilitated moon in birth chart then it is good to chant this divine mantra.
  2. If anyone is passing through mental problem then it is good to chant CHANDRA GAYATRI MANTRA. 
  3. Chanting of this spell give mental peace.
  4. To enhance love in life it is good to recite Chandra gayatri mantra.
  5. For the better health of mother too this spell is very good. 
  6. This Chandra gayatri mantra is very good to come out from depression. One can easily come-out from worries and tensions by using this moon spell. 
  7. It also provides beauty. 

How to Chant Chandra Gayatri mantra//चद्र गायत्री मन्त्र? Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology

  • If this spell is chanted in night when moon come in sky then is very good. 
  • Use white asan to sit to recite the moon mantra. 
  • It is good to start mantra chanting practice from Monday or full moon day. 
  • Offer white sweets or milk in navaidya. 

As per vedic astrology moon is related with mind, emotions, mother, love, feelings, imagination power, softness, mood, sensitivity etc. and so it is necessary to balance the power of moon in horoscope.

When moon sits with rahu aur ketu then Chandra grahan yoga forms in horoscope which is not good and give different types of problems like depression, financial loss, bad dreams, mood swings failure in love relations etc so it is necessary to adopt remedies to make life successful. 

A positive and powerful moon gives strong mind, good love relations with others, control mood swings. 

In vedic astrology moon is very important and predictions are made by studying the movement of moon in transit horoscope. 

Chandra gayatri mantra//चद्र गायत्री मन्त्र is very good for mental health and powerful mind. 

Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology, Surya Gayatri Mantra

Moon gayatri mantra lyrics:

|| ॐ क्षीर-पुत्राय विद्महे अमृत-तत्त्वाय धीमहि तन्नो सोमः प्रचोदयात् ||

Om Ksheer Putray Vidhmahe Amrit Tatvay Dheemahi Tanno Somah: Prachodayat

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Vedic astrology, an ancient system deeply rooted in Indian culture, offers profound insights into one’s life journey through the cosmic alignment of planets and stars. Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable Vedic astrologer has become increasingly popular as individuals strive to comprehend their destinies and gain clarity about pivotal life aspects. Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology

Booking a Vedic astrologer for a reading entails embarking on a journey of self-discovery and understanding. Expert is well-versed in the intricate principles of Vedic astrology, employ the positions of celestial bodies at the time of one’s birth to unravel the mysteries of their existence. Through a personalized reading, the astrologer delves into various facets of life, including career, relationships, health, and spirituality, offering nuanced interpretations and valuable guidance. Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology

The process of booking a session involves choosing a reputable and experienced Vedic astrologer, often through recommendations or online platforms. It’s essential to prepare questions or areas of interest beforehand to make the most of the consultation.

Engaging a Vedic astrologer for a reading can be transformative, providing individuals with insights that can help navigate life’s complexities and make informed decisions. It offers a unique perspective, empowering individuals to comprehend their life’s path and make meaningful choices in alignment with the cosmic energies that influence their existence.

Benefits of chandra gayatri mantra in astrology, What is Chandra gayatri mantra/चद्र गायत्री मन्त्र, benefits of chanting moon gayatri mantra, how to chant, best time to recite this divine spell. 

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