Auspicious dates to open bank account

Auspicious dates to open bank account, best dates to open bank account or trading account 2023-24, upcoming mahurat to perform financial transactions.

Auspicious dates to open bank account: In astrology, we find mahurat or auspicious time to perform any important work. Bank account opening is very important for everyone because every financial transactions are done through bank and so if luck will favor then no doubt our bank account will never empty and we will be able to live a prosperous life. 

so here we will see that which are the coming auspicious dates of opening bank account, trading account, taking insurance policy etc.

Hope this information will help you a lot to take important decisions.

हिंदी में जानिये बैंक खाता खोलने के शुभ महुरत कौन से हैं ?

Upcoming Auspicious Dates of opening bank account as per astrology 2023-24

Auspicious time to open bank account in December 2023:

  1. December 1, Friday will be a good day.
  2. New bank account can be opened on Saturday 9th December.
  3. New account can be opened after 11:29 AM on 11th Somar.
  4. Saturday the 16th will also be a good day.
  5. 21st Thursday and 22nd Friday will also be auspicious days for new account.
  6. New account can also be opened on 28th December, Thursday.

Auspicious time to open bank account in January 2024:

  • On 3rd of January, wednesday after 12:35 PM.
  • On 6th of January, Saturday from sunrise till 6:20 PM.
  • On 8th of january, Monday from sunrise till 7:51 PM.
  • On 13th saturday till 4:10 PM.
  • On 16th of January 2024 after 11:18 AM, time is good.
  • On 18th of January whole the day.
  • On 22nd of January Monday, whole the day. 
  • On 25th, thursday, whole the day. 
  • On 31st of January wednesday, whole the day. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in February 2024

Auspicious dates to open bank account, best dates to open bank account or trading account 2023-24, upcoming mahurat to perform financial transactions.

Auspicious time to open bank account in February 2024:

  1. From sunrise till 5:57 PM on 13th of February tuesday the time is good to open bank account. 
  2. On 15th from sunrise till 3:12 PM, time is good.
  3. On 19th from sunrise till 1:41 PM time is auspicious. 
  4. On 22nd February Thursay from sunrise till 5:26 PM, Guru pushya yoga will be there.

Auspicious time to open bank account in March 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in February 2024:

  • On 16th of March whole the day is good. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in April 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in April 2024:

  • On 9th of April Tuesday after 8:29 AM, there will be sarwarth siddhi yoga. 
  • on 26th of April Friday whole the day is good. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in May 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in May 2024:

  1. On 7th of May from sunrise till 3:06 PM time is auspicious to open bank account.
  2. On 13th of May after 1:50 time is good. 
  3. On 14th, tuesday after 3:14 PM, time is good. 
  4. On 23rd after thursday after 8:56 AM, time is good to open bank account. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in June 2024:

Auspicious dates to open bank account, best dates to open bank account or trading account 2023-24, upcoming mahurat to perform financial transactions.

Auspicious time to open bank account in June 2024:

  • On 5th of June whole the day is good. 
  • On 10th, Monday whole the day is auspicious. 
  • On 11th of June tuesday, whole the day is good. 
  • On 20th of June thursday, till 5:40 PM, time is good.

Auspicious time to open bank account in July 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in July 2024:

  1. On 2nd of July tuesday, after 06:07 AM, time is good. 
  2. On 3rd of July wednesday, whole the day is good. 
  3. On 17th july wednesday whole the day is auspicious to open bank account. 
  4. On 22nd july Monday whole the day is auspicious to open bank account. 
  5. On 30th, tuesday, from sunrise till 1:07 PM, time is good. 
  6. On 31st July wednesday, whole the day is auspicious. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in August 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in August 2024:

  • On 2nd of August friday after 12:05 PM, time is good. 
  • on 23rd of August friday whole the day is auspicious to open bank account. 
  • On 28th, Wednesday, whole the day is good. 
  • On 30th, friday whole the day is auspicious. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in September 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in September 2024:

  1. On 7th of September saturday after 10:23 AM, time is good to open bank account. 
  2. on 9th of september monday after 2:39 PM, time is auspicious. 
  3. On 19th after 10:53 AM, time is good.
  4. On 20th, Friday, whole the day is good. 
  5. on 23rd september 2024 whole the day is auspicious to open bank account. 
  6. on 26th thursday, whole the day is good. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in October 2024:

Auspicious time to open bank account in October 2024:

  • On 5th of October saturday whole the day is auspicious. 
  • On 7th of october Monday, whole the day is good.
  • On 12th of October 2024 saturday, whole the day is good. 
  • On 17th, thursday, whole the day is auspicious.
  • On 18th friday till 3:37 PM, time is good to open bank account. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in November:

Auspicious time to open bank account in November 2024:

  1. On 8th of November friday whole the day is auspicious to open bank account. 
  2. On 12th November tuesday, whole the day is good.
  3. On 14th, Thursday, whole the day is auspicious. 
  4. On 18th, Monday whole the day is good to open bank account. 
  5. On 21st thursday, whole the day is auspicious. 

Auspicious time to open bank account in December 2024:

Auspicious dates to open bank account: Auspicious time to open bank account in December 2024:

  • On 6th of December friday from sunrise till 4:27 PM, time is auspicious to open bank account. 
  • On 10th, tuesday till 11:22 AM, time is auspicious. 
  • On 14th, saturday, whole the day is good. 
So above are some major best days and date for account opening, Hope this will help everyone, one can also take advise from astrologer for other auspicious dates and time as per Horoscope.

Read detail about when to open bank account as per astrology?

Auspicious dates to open bank account, best dates to open bank account or trading account2023-24कब खोले बैंक अकाउंट,upcoming mahurat to perform financial transactions.

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